
This repository contains various robotics related projects in various programming languages (MATLAB, LabVIEW, C#) and techniques (V-REP, ROS, LEGO Mindstorms, Kinect, Neobotix).

- V-REP MATLAB interoperation
- Robot follows human project
- Robotic arm - Kinect
- V-REP C# interoperation
- Coverage path planning algorithms

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SZE academic robotics projects

This repository contains various projects developed in the Széchenyi István University (SZE) located in Győr, Hungary.

1. V-REP MATLAB interoperation demo

Name: VrepMatlabInteroperation

Description: The aim of the project is to demonstrate the V-REP Remote API functions in MATLAB.

Demo images

V-REP scene: alt tag The same scene in MATLAB: alt tag

2. Robot follows human project

Name: NeobotixRobotFollowsHuman

Description: A project where humans are followed by a Neobotix moblie robot. You can watch a video on youtube about this project.

Demo images

The scenario and the hardware components: alt tag The illustration of the scenario: alt tag

3. Robotic arm - Kinect project

Name: RoboticArmKinect

Description:A project to control an own developed robotic arm with the help of Kinect. You can watch a video on youtube about this project.

4. V-REP C# interoperation demo

Name: VrepCsharpInteroperation

Description: The aim of the project is to demonstrate the V-REP Remote API functions in C#.

alt tag

5. Coverage path planning algorithms on grid maps

Name: RobotGridCoveragePathPlanning

Description: Some grid map (occupancy grid) based coverage path planning algorithms implemented in MATLAB.

Boustrophedon decomposition coverage:

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